Thursday, July 8, 2010

That 70's Show

The show that I have picked to write about is That 70’s Show. The reason that I have picked this show was because it reminds me of the things that me and my friends would do while we were hanging out in the basements of our houses of just hanging out with each other. I can see the group of friends that I hung out within high school in the show. In the friends that I would hang out with we had a person that was not all there if you know what I mean. Then there was always that one friend that would bring around his girlfriend that no one would be able to stand because of how annoying she is. That happens in the show when Jackie is dating Kelso. Then Jackie becomes one of the group because of how much she was around them all the time.
The dad in the show Red Forman reminds me of my dad. The reason for this is because of the way that he is always on his son Eric by making fun of him and making him do work around the house. The mom in the show also reminds me of my mom because of the way that she is always looking out for the best of the family and helping out with everyone’s problems.

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